Time for Completion of Degree

Each of the academic programs of the school has specific requirements for time allowed to complete the academic degree from the date of initial matriculation. There are as follows:

  • ABSN: 36 months

  • MSN or PGC: 5 years

  • Post-BSN DNP: 7 years

  • Post-MSN DNP: 5 years

All ABSN, MSN, PGC, and DNP students enrolled in the school who have not been granted a leave of absence by the appropriate Academic Program Assistant Dean, must register for fall, spring, and summer semesters until all degree requirements are completed.

PhD students are expected to complete the program in three to five years. Although the program will rigorously train students in longitudinal research and urge them to apply longitudinal designs in the dissertation work, it is important to note that this methodological focus will not delay a student’s completion of the program. Longitudinal research, more than one-time point of data collection, can be accomplished by collecting data over weeks or months, or by using extant longitudinal data in secondary analysis. Nevertheless, PhD faculty are sensitive to this potential time-frame issue and will monitor it closely within the dissertation committee.

For students who find it necessary to take a leave of absence (LOA), time in LOA status counts toward the total time for degree completion. Extenuating circumstances may be considered by the Academic Program Assistant Dean.