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Tuition Policies

Payment of Accounts

Tuition and fees are due and payable at the times specified by the university for each semester, and are subject to change without notice. All students are required to pay all statements as presented. If full payment is not received by the due date, a late payment charge of 1.25 percent of the amount past due will be assessed on the next statement. Failure to receive a statement does not warrant exemption from the payment of tuition and fees, nor from the penalties and restrictions. Nonregistered students will be required to make payment for tuition, fees, required deposits, and any past due balance at the time of registration. A student in default will not be allowed to register for future semesters, receive a transcript of academic records, have academic credits certified, or receive a diploma at graduation. In addition, an individual in default may be subject to withdrawal from school and have the account referred to a collection agency and/or credit bureau. For more information, visit the Bursar’s office website.


For students who withdraw from the School of Nursing or are withdrawn by the university during the semester, refunds of tuition and fees are governed by the following policy:

  • In the event of death, tuition and fees will be fully refunded to the estate of the deceased.

  • In all other cases of withdrawal from the university, students may elect to have tuition refunded or carried forward as a credit for later study according to the following schedule:

time of withdrawal

refund amount

withdrawal before classes begin

100% (including fees)

withdrawal during the first or second week of classes


withdrawal during the third, fourth, or fifth week of classes


withdrawal during the sixth week of classes


withdrawal after the sixth week

No refund

*Fees, including the student health fee, are not refunded after the start of the term.

  • Grants and scholarships will be adjusted on the same pro-rata basis as tuition and will not be refunded or carried forward.

  • Federal loans must be adjusted proportionally to the number of days attended within the semester, in accordance with federal regulations. More information may be found on the Duke University School of Nursing website.

Tuition and Fees Refund Policy

Tuition and mandatory fees are required to be paid in full, regardless of:

  • the method of instruction and/or mode of academic delivery;

  • any changes to instructional content, schedule, or duration of the semester;

  • any inability to access Duke University-maintained facilities; and

  • any disruption to or cancellation of activities, events, services, or programs during the academic year.

For the avoidance of doubt, and as has been the Policy of Duke University in the past, tuition and mandatory fees will not be refunded in whole or in part for any reason, except as provided for under the Refund Policy. By paying the tuition and mandatory fees, the student and anyone paying tuition on their behalf acknowledges and accepts these terms.